Mediums and Messages

d12 Adventurers

Jan Matejko. Plate from Ubiory w Polsce: 1200-1795. 1875. Lithograph(?)

I'm gearing up to play some of the Solasta: Crown of the Magister DLC, which means putting together a few parties of adventurers in 5e. It's kinda tedious to do so much character building at once to be honest, but Solasta does have one nice quirk. The way their custom backgrounds work, its almost always better to have your character have a background totally unrelated to their class.

Since I'm making a bunch of characters anyways, I figured I'd bundle them up as potential oddball hirelings, rival adventurers, or random encounter seat-fillers. I've annotated them with a +/- system. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to adapt that to your system of choice.

1. Sarpan

Barbarian philosopher. Constantly asks "what is best in life" and expects well thought out answers.

HP 8


Great maul, hides

Rage 1x per day granting Advantage to hit and be hit til all enemies are dead.

2. Lagenin

Ascetic bard. Subscribes to a minimalist school of music that plays single long notes in order to "activate situations." Hates criticism.

HP 4


Crossbow, studded turtleneck, silver flute

Inspiring note grants +1 to skill checks but triggers Encounter roll.

3. Disis

Aristocratic cleric. Second-child of minor nobles forced into convent after a politically embarrassing affair. The convent was Our Lady of Bloody Vengeance and she has been thriving.

HP 6


Curved sword, scale, round shield

Can cast (and reverse cast) Bless with 1 MD.

4. Drovus

Druid artist. Former landscaper. Found that he liked the company of topiary more than his fellow humans. Started animating them as companions and is now on the run for shrub theft.

HP 4


Cudgel, leather overalls.

Can cast Bushes to Beasts with 1 MD.

5. Syl

Acolyte fighter. Says little and covered in green spirals of woad. Worships old gods forgotten gods that hold spoken words as sacred.

HP 8


Sword, axe, bow, cuirass, long shield.

Can use anything as a weapon.

6. Eturbar

Occultist monk. Trained in the mystic arts by the ten Serene Masters. Wears all of their hands as a necklace and uses them to divine the future.

HP 6

Voluminous robe.

Unarmed strikes deal damage as clubs. Can give magic 8-ball readings that are unerringly accurate with 1 days preparation.

7. Vaiseth

Academic paladin. Monastery school dropout, turned out to be better at bullying than transcribing books. The god of knowledge puts him to use punishing library thieves, a job he takes great relish in.

HP 8


Greatsword, coat of plate, conical helm.

Can smite (+1d6 damage) the ignorant.

8. Gorva

Lowlife ranger. Grew up in the back alleys of the big city and has become adept at reading "human terrain." Keeps pet rats that she frequently consults for suggestions.

HP 6


Bow, buff coat, twin daggers.

Rats act as portable animal companions. She always has more.

9. Lunzi

Lawkeeper rogue. Went undercover to break up an anarchist ring, but found their arguments too persuasive. Now dedicated to taking down the watch from the inside.

HP 4


Baton, leather jack.

2-in-6 to open any lock instantly with her tools.

10. Mirrus

Sorcerer spy. A Blue Seer of Nei from the distrusted neighboring kingdom. Here as an emissary and to collect "useful demographic information" about places nearby "for no particular purpose. Thank you."

HP 4


Staff, blue robes, circular hat.

Can cast Digby's Foot with 1 MD.

11. Baida

Wanderer warlock. Understands that all roads are calligraphic marks of higher beings. Walking them in the right order is a route to certain, unsavory powers.

HP 4


Staff, tricorn hat, shawls

Can cast Longstride with 1 MD.

12. Elac

Sellsword wizard. Mercenary camps have a lot of use for a wizard, but not a lot of opportunities for greater learning. Ela wants to round out her education.

HP 4


Sword, padded doublet, grimoire with bullet hole

Can cast Magic Weapon with 1 MD.